Conviniently, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years all fall on Thursdays this year. In honor of this odd coincidence, every Thursday through January 1 I will celebrate with posts on various aspects of the holidays.
This week, Thanksgiving Traditions at my house.
1. Christmas Music
By Mom-decree, Thanksgiving is officially the first day we are allowed to play Christmas music on the stereo.
2. Thanksgiving Friday?
When we were younger, Mom sometimes used to work on the Thursday,so we would have our feast on Friday instead. The awesome part about that was that Emma's mom sometimes worked the same day as well, so I would get to hang out with her.
3. Breaking Bread
Mom always attends mass on Thanksgiving morning, where she receives a small loaf of bread. After grace, but before the meal, we pass it around. Each person has to break off a piece and say one thing they are thankful for.
4. Banned!
I get kicked out of the kitchen for picking at the food, not helping, and generally getting in the way. To be perfectly honest, I do have a knack for messing up, including setting the marshmallows on top of the sweet potatoes on fire, and cutting my thumb open with the carving knife. (while doing dishes)
Dennis is the kid who helps Mom. Some how, he manages to not be in the way, despite clearly being the largest one in the house.
5. Give me your tired...
Our Thanksgivings are never complete without one or two or five non-relations there. Mom will not hear of any of our friends not getting a huge proper dinner. So far this year, I'm bringing two along.
So, my friends, do your families have interesting Thanksgiving traditions? Let me know, and I'll include them in my next holiday blog post.
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