Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I FINISHED my novel.

Final word count: 50537
I won NaNoWriMo.
Now I'm not touching the fucking thing until January. Then I'll edit it, and then you can read it.
I'm relieved, and exhausted. I seriously wrote the last 5000 words today, because I knew I would get shit done if I didn't finish before going home.


Laura J. Nelson said...

CAROL congratulations! I've always had this urge to write a novel, but I know I wouldn't have the perseverance to see it through. That's incredible – and I'm sure your writing is, too. I can't wait to read it!

Unknown said...

Do you kiss your mother with that mouth? Somehow I think she wouldn't approve.

Carol said...

Thanks Laura. ^_^

And, m'dear Auntie, your sister curses far more than I do.