I'm back home to my basement, for the smallest family Thanksgiving on record. Only eight people!
"So," you might ask, "what are you thankful for, Carol?"
I'm thankful for my family. I'm thankful for my hilarious and thoughtful brothers and my sister who calls my hat "doofy." I'm thankful for Mom, who is breaking with tradition to teach me how to cook this year. (That's why I'm hiding in the basement.) I'm thankful for Dad, for watching four hours of the West Wing with me last night (yeah, everyone else did to) and because I'm his favorite.
I'm thankful for my many aunts and uncles, some of whom read this blog! And my grandparents, who aren't the "aren't you so cute" kind; they talk to and treat me like an adult.
I'm thankful that I'm in college, have a job, and have a home to come back to.
I'm thankful for my laundry list of friends, who I know I can always rely on. I'm thankful for Emma, Wenjing, and Greg for being the best friends I could possibly have. I love you.
And, before this goes on too long, I'm thankful for the Free Spirits, for being inspiring, being awesome, and always being there.
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