Sledding: Verb The act of throwing oneself, and possibly others, down an snowy or icy incline, on a specific toy intended for such activity. May result in wet clothes, bruises, and general soreness.
At Em's request I led an expedition to the local sledding hill, accompanied by a few other neighborhood kids. It was massive amounts of awesome, especially because we pulled out the old mini-luge that I won in a mini-luge competition when I was 12. It is still the best sled ever invented. At the end of our quest (when my jeans were finally to soaked for me to just tough it out any longer) we linked two sleds together for the final run.
2 sleds + 6 youths, ages 11 to six days shy of 19 + well-iced sled hill =

1 comment:
Um your illustration might be the coolest thing ever. Not even kidding!
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